Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Viagra Ad

I was sent this ad from a friend. Apparently doctor's offices are now completely covered with drug company advertising. To be honest though I liked this one! And so did my Mom... I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing... Anyway, it's kind of cute- as cute as a stick man getting a boner can be! Enjoy!


Dave Shorr said...

Coincidentally mine also acts as a light-switch.

Wade said...

And on the entertainment front, Dave Shorr endorses Viagra. He's not only the president of the company, he's a client.

Brynne said...

I think this ad is cute. I really like the idea of taking everyday normal things and making use of them in ads. Because people, in many cases, have no choice but to interact with the object, they will notice it and because lots of times it is related to the object in some way, it is easy to target the right people. (in this case it would most likely be someone who works at the doctor's office who turns on the light, but I have seen others where the target of the ad uses the object). I found an ad a while ago that was on a public cigarette receptical (if that's what they're called?). I will look for it.