Friday, September 26, 2008

Here you go folks

Uploaded by sabotage


Wade said...

Thanks Paul

JKrahn said...

Thats a well done spot. Very well done. Creepy music... it kinda scared me.

Dustin said...

I watched this ad for the first time knowing that it was going to be about AIDS. I think that this ad makes it's point really well. For the first time viwer, the text is needed to clarify the message, but this is an ad that doesn't become less moving the second time, maybe more moving because you see the whole ad differently knowing it is about AIDS. The hour-glass with the people in it is the kind of image that could be on a billboard alone after the television campaign is over and people would remember it and know what it represents.

Wade said...

In case anyone was wondering, the text on Leo Burnett's website version said "Every 10 seconds, someone in the world dies of AIDS. Time is running out, send your donations to" I assume, though I don't know for sure since I'm unilingual, that it was the same statement in the actual spots aired in France.