Friday, September 26, 2008

Good Ad, Bad Ad

The World is Just Awesome: Discovery Channel. So this is one of, in my opinion, the best ads I've seen in a long time. It's well shot and I love the song. It's so catchy. The first time I saw this commercial I was humming and singing to myself all day.

Intercasino: Midgets are Funny campaign. Good god, what isn't wrong with this next one? I'm so sorry I was exposed to now you have to be exposed to it! I'm so glad that American companies still approve of bigotry. This world would be that much less exciting if they didn't.


Wade said...

Personally, I love that promo for Discovery Channel too. It's an awesome jingle and it's really cool how they got all their talent to be a part of it. Probably one of the best subversive promos for a specialty cable channel. It doesn't really try to sell you and yet it makes you wanna watch more Discovery.

Wade said...

I've re-watched the Intercasino spot and I just can't figure out what the point is. If you play at a midget will board your yacht and slip an envelope of what I assume to be money into your briefcase. Burton, that was pure crap and I applaud your ability to dig it up like a truffle pig in a field. With creative as bad as that, there is no question there will always be plenty of jobs in advertising for those of us who excel.

Blawat said...

Good call Burton. Discovery Channel is a marvel of modern technology. Would I care about sharks if someone was blathering on about them? Unlikely. But give me Shark Week and I'm sold. Human guineapigs are amazing as well.

Braden Alexander said...

Re: the Discovery Channel ad.

A perfect example of a good soft sell. Even though they're using people and scenes from their shows, nowhere does it tell you to watch any of them. They're simply telling they love the world, and we love that statement, and in turn we love them. Brilliant. This is good for a TV station, but I think this sort of ad would work just as well for an array of companies. This is the jingle done well.

BDunc said...

I just watched it again a week after I saw it for the first time and it still made me smile. Damn, that's a good ad.