Sunday, September 21, 2008

This ad is pure gold.

Strangely, I could only find a older version of this ad from earlier in the year. Rest assured, it's now being aired on North American televisions in a home near you. I'm pretty sure it's funny.


Unknown said...

It is funny, but I think goes on for a little too long. Sixty second spots don't work for me. If you can't get the message across in thirty seconds, then forgrt it.

Wade said...

It does get way too old in a 60 second spot. The US version of the commercial is a more manageable 30 seconds. I've seen it a couple of times. A girl runs up to the guy and into to the flow of sweat, applies AXE antiperspirant, and the flow stops.

JKrahn said...

This ad is hilarious. I wish it was made into a movie.

alexandra rachey said...

Maybe it's because I am a girl but I find this ad really gross. But then again this ad is for Axe and it's target audience is teenage guys, who will probably find it funny just like you guys do.

Wade said...

In defense of myself Alex, I personally do not like this ad or most others by AXE. They're just too low brow for me, but I guess they really work well with the target audience of teenage boys.