Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I found these mock-ads on the YouTubes. I had heard of Linux before this, but I have no idea what makes it so special. I find these to be very annoying and discourages me from ever wanting to run Linux software or even finding out more about it.

It's like watching a young kid trying too hard to get attention.


Wade said...

Yeah. The ads do come across as way too desperate. It was one thing when Microsoft addressed the Mac Vs. PC depictions but nobody is really thinking about Linux so why use the Mac and PC characters. Why not go a totally different way and really set yourself apart from the bickering duo?

BDunc said...

Aaaaaaaaaand heeeeeeeeeeeere comes the massive amount of ignorant internet users that only wish they had a girlfriend! I hope the view is clear from your parents basement! Tell you what, when you grow a pair, lose that 400 pounds of gut fat and realize that fingers are for more than searching the internet and rubbing yourself raw, come find me and we'll have a civilized chat about the benefits of Linux.