Friday, April 17, 2009

I've Come Full Circle

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for a fantastic year in the Ad major. I loved getting to work with each and every one of you and wish you all success in the future. Thanks as well to Kenton for being such a supportive and entertaining instructor. Yogurt will miss you.

My blog is a tad different than others. Kenton and I realized what a prime opportunity I had to write about Oprah for the blog, so I decided to go that route. After receiving the rules contract, I realized no quoting would be allowed. Thus, I give you the condensed basics of a trip to Oprah!

I woke up on Wednesday, April 8th with a giddy excitement running through me. It was a day unlike any other, that some wait their entire lives for – the day I would see Oprah live.

Now, love her or hate her, Oprah is still one of the richest and most talented women in the world. I’m sure you can understand my nervous sentiment as I prepared myself, to be in the audience, about 50 feet away from her.

Brenlee Coates, Megan Benedictson, and Kristy Rydz accompanied me on the journey to the show. When we arrived at Harpo Studios, we were greeted by a large line and a handsomely charming attendant, who led us inside. Once we made it through the ID check, coat check, and purse check (confiscation in my case), we were seated upstairs in the lounge. Amidst the sea of women lingered some supportive men, carefully working away at filling out waivers and show ideas.

After a 30-minute countdown to Oprah, the approximately 250 guests were herded down to the set. The stage is big and small all at once, so every seat in the house has a great view. Guests were directed to their seats and then pumped up by the studio producer. After such great build-up to Oprah, she literally just walked into the room. A standing ovation which followed seemed to last forever, and then she said we could be seated so the show could begin.

Wish I could give further details, but its best I let you tune in for the real thing sometime next season.

1 comment:

Kenton Larsen said...

Hey, Nicole: Don't forget to post an update when you can - we want more Oprah details!

Poor Yogurt!