Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Denny's Shows America More Love (and calories)

I don't know if anyone remembers the Super Bowl ad Denny's ran this year where they offered free breakfast to anyone who came in on a specific day, but evidently it went pretty well for them. They had over 2 million people show up for that promotion (which actually seems a little low in a country of over 300 million but whatever)and it created great buzz and good will among people. Denny's received tens of thousands of calls and emails of thanks at their generosity in a time of economic uncertainty and never ending reports of corporate greed.

So, Denny's is taking another crack at this. They're going to be running an ad during the NCAA basketball finals on Monday that offers a free Grand Slamwich for a friend when you buy a regular Grand Slam breakfast.

The Grand Slamwich is a grilled sandwich made with potato bread, scrambled eggs, shaved ham, hash browns, bacon, mayo, American cheese and a "maple-spice" spread, for $4.99. Mmm tasty!! The promotion will be on Wednesday April 8th from 6am-2pm for any people interested.

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