Sunday, April 5, 2009

Is using cute puppies ever questionable?

I just discovered this ad on the billboard at the north side of the Canwest building at Portage & Main. It's probably the only one for the business unless he bought any adjacent corners. But I digress...

First, this ad features better than the average creative for any kind of cosmetic surgery service. Usually, we're treated to cliche images of happy middle aged women smiling and looking complete. Ho hum, Blah! This ad is cute and the tag/image combo is simple. Unfortunately, the good doctor has violated the rules of good outdoor creative and loaded up the copy which will probably take away from people's retention of the message.

My second thought might be a bit of a stretch but I'm throwing it out anyway. Is it wise to use animals of any kind in advertising for anything cosmetic? Considering public sentiments regarding animal testing, could this cute little ad possibly turn some people off? Just throwing the possibility out there.


Anonymous said...

There used to be one up before this with a gorilla on it and it was about hair removal.

I think they both work.

Wade said...

Hmm. Sounds like the doctor has some decent creative. Personally, I like this ad overall, and the gorilla one sounds decent too. I think a little less copy on it would be a good thing, but otherwise it's decent creative and a well placed poster considering it's right where you turn to go down Bannatyne.